Fitness freaks welcome.

Friday, June 22, 2007

My feet already hurt.

I have a horse show tomorrow, so I was at the barn all morning getting ready. I was walking around, fetching stuff to put in the trailer and bathing my horse and cleaning the saddle and bridle. From all that walking around, my feet are sore! And then I'm going to a soccer game. And then Target. Does the madness stop? I don't think so. Aw, poor feet. But at least my horse Sparky is all clean and beautiful.

Daily Workout

From Self Magazine, fight that fat hanging off your body. I mean, c'mon, who wants that?

Daily Tidbits

Trade whole wheat crackers as a substitute for white bread. White bread can raise your blood sugar more than chocolate cake can, and with 1 gram of fiber, it won't keep you full. Instead of a regular sandwich, pack cheeses for fiber and a crunch.

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